CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7 Special Edition (x86/x64) Terbaru
Free Download CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7 Special Edition : Pada kesempatan malam ini saya akan berbagi lagi sebuah software design grafis yang bernama Corel Draw Gphics suite X7, yang merupakan software terkenal dan banyak penggunanya, software ini cocok sekali buat sobat yang hobynya mendesain. contohnya mendesain sebuah sepanduk, kartu nama, undangan, dan lain lain. Corel Draw X7 ini sob merupakan keluaran yang terbaru yang sudah di lengkapi dengan fitur yang sangat lengkap dari pada versi yang sebelumnya, jadi sobat tidak perlu ragu lagi jika menggukannya, sudah terbukti sob CorelDraw ini sangan populer di kalangan seorang pendesain. dan untuk tampilannya sudah bagus dan enak untuk di pandang sehingga sobat tidak bosan, untuk tata letak tool-toolnya lebih gampang.
CorelDraw sob merupakan software aplikasi yang berbasis vector yang di kembangkan oleh sebuah perusahaan dari negara kanada. software aplikasi ini sob prabayar, untuk coreldraw x7 nya saja jika di situs resminya seharga $449.00 atau sekitar 5 juta sob, wooow handal sekali sob. namanya aja sudah produk aslinya sob. namun sobat tidak perlu kuatir untuk mendapatkan. admin sudah menyediakan link download buat sobat. buat sobat yang ingin mendownloadnya lagsung saja di download sob. oke langsung saja sob berikut fitur-fitur dari CorelDraw Graphics suit X7 Special Edition (x86/x64) ini :
The package:
- CorelDRAW® X7 - vector illustration and page layout
- Corel® PHOTO-PAINT ™ X7 - image editing
- Corel® PowerTRACE ™ X7 - tracing raster images into vector graphics (in CorelDRAW X7)
- Corel® CONNECT ™ - content search tool
- Corel® CAPTURE ™ X7 - screen capture tool
Features :
- Revision is based on a licensed version of the original. From the distribution nothing is deleted.
- Registration is not required in any of its manifestations. Key during the installation and you need not.
- Language: Russian, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Czech, Polish, Dutch, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese. Select language happens automatically according to the language of the operating system, but you can choose the desired language or install a combination of two in the "Settings" during installation. When you start the program will ask what language you want it to run
- Installation of the program takes place without unpack the distribution in one of the folders local drive "C". There is the option of return of this feature in the "Settings" Installer
Screenshot :
System requirements:
- Microsoft Windows 8 / 8.1 (32-bit or 64-bit), Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit) with the latest service packs
- Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64
- 2 GB of RAM
- 1 GB of free hard disk space (for installation without content)
- Mouse, tablet or multi monitor
- Screen resolution: 1280 x 768
- DVD-ROM drive (required for installation of the box version)
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 (or later)
- Internet connection is required to use the services and membership subscriptions, install updates, and access to online content and some functions, such as the QR-code, ConceptShare and Content Center
What is New :
- Get up and running easily
- Work faster and more efficiently
- Design with creativity and confidence
- Share and expand your experience
- Redesigned, fully customizable interface
- Advanced workspaces
- Total control over fills and transparency
- Vector and bitmap pattern fills
- Easy font preview and advanced character tools
- Special effects and advanced photo editing
- Precise layout and drawing tools
- High-resolution and multi-display support
- QR code generator
- Built-in Content Exchange
- Learning materials and expert tips
- Easy color harmony editing
- Easy, professional website design
- Compatibility with the latest file formats
- Royalty-free, quality content
- Exciting mobile apps
Link Download :
Download CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7 Special Edition - ( Single Link )
Password : http://jembersantri.blogspot.com
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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7 Special Edition (x86/x64) Terbaru
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