Game BattleField (Attack On Titan) 2.1.3 apk
Free Download BattleField (Attack On Titan) 2.1.3 apk : Hallo sobat pecinta game android. admin akan berbagi sebuah game yang bernama BattleField (Attack On Titan) 2.1.3 apk, game ini baru di update sob, buat sobat yang hoby dengan game perang, game ini game yang cocok sekali buat sobat www.ifub.net. Game ini di dukung dengan kualitas tinggi 3DCG, dan grafis yang sangat bagus, buruan dah sob yang ingin mendownload jangan sampai ketinggalan dah.
* Superb 3DCG Quality
Operating speed remains the same, but higher image quality has been implemented.
Operating speed remains the same, but higher image quality has been implemented.
* Online Simultaneous Collaborative Play
Now, friends and players around the world can enjoy playing together through the network's online play feature, By setting privacy preferences, it is also possible to play only with friends.
Now, friends and players around the world can enjoy playing together through the network's online play feature, By setting privacy preferences, it is also possible to play only with friends.
* Equipment Customization
Now, equipment can be enhanced and combined by using coins and raw materials acquired on missions.
Now, equipment can be enhanced and combined by using coins and raw materials acquired on missions.
* Character and Equipment Gotchas
Equipment and characters may be unlocked through "gotchas."
Equipment and characters may be unlocked through "gotchas."
* Character Skills
Skills can be used after a certain period of time elapses on a mission or requirements are met. Unique skills have been created for each character.
Skills can be used after a certain period of time elapses on a mission or requirements are met. Unique skills have been created for each character.
* Quests
This time, with the new "Quests" feature, new stages will be unlocked at certain times. Some quests are only accessible on certain days of the week or weekends.
This time, with the new "Quests" feature, new stages will be unlocked at certain times. Some quests are only accessible on certain days of the week or weekends.
* Updates
The story in Mission Mode is five chapters long at present, but expansions are planned for future updates. Each update will add on new features and new stages.
The story in Mission Mode is five chapters long at present, but expansions are planned for future updates. Each update will add on new features and new stages.
User Guide :
- Camera Control
With your right hand, you can drag the screen and rotate the camera.
You can drag it left and right to turn it side to side, and drag up and down to change the camera zoom.
With your right hand, you can drag the screen and rotate the camera.
You can drag it left and right to turn it side to side, and drag up and down to change the camera zoom.
- Running
You can walk and run by dragging the the lower left pad.
You can walk and run by dragging the the lower left pad.
- Anchoring
Tap a Wall or a Titan marker once.
Tap a Wall or a Titan marker once.
- Winding Anchor (Jumping)
Use the lower left pad to move in all directions.
Use the lower left pad to move in all directions.
- Cutting Titans at the Nape of the Neck
Hit the weak point marker at the nape of a Titan's neck with an anchor, sneak around back, and long press the action button.
Hit the weak point marker at the nape of a Titan's neck with an anchor, sneak around back, and long press the action button.
- Cutting Titans' Leg Tendons
Hit the weak point marker on a Titan's leg with an anchor and long press the action button, or approach the Titan from behind and long press the action button.
Hit the weak point marker on a Titan's leg with an anchor and long press the action button, or approach the Titan from behind and long press the action button.
- Locking On Titans
When you have gotten close enough to a Titan, press the blue button in the lower right of the screen.
When not in lock-on range, the camera will return to its previous viewpoint.
When you have gotten close enough to a Titan, press the blue button in the lower right of the screen.
When not in lock-on range, the camera will return to its previous viewpoint.
- Using Skills
When enough accumulates in the Skill Gauge in the upper left of the screen, the lower right Skill Button will change from gray to green. When the Skill Button is pushed in that situation, a Skill will be activated.
When enough accumulates in the Skill Gauge in the upper left of the screen, the lower right Skill Button will change from gray to green. When the Skill Button is pushed in that situation, a Skill will be activated.
- Avoiding Titans
When you defenselessly walk in front of a Titan, you will be grabbed by the Titan.
When you defenselessly walk in front of a Titan, you will be grabbed by the Titan.
- Rescuing Others from Titans (Online Only)
If another player is seized by a Titan, you can attack the Titan and make it release the other player.
If another player is seized by a Titan, you can attack the Titan and make it release the other player.
- Rolling
You may roll by pressing the Action Button while running. While rolling you can move at high speed, and become invincible for a short time, but usage is limited because it uses up large quantities of compressed gas.
You may roll by pressing the Action Button while running. While rolling you can move at high speed, and become invincible for a short time, but usage is limited because it uses up large quantities of compressed gas.
- Compressed Gas Cylinder Replacement
When a gas cylinder runs out, press the Action Button to change the cylinder.
When a gas cylinder runs out, press the Action Button to change the cylinder.
- Blade Replacement
When a blade breaks, press the Action Button to replace it.
When a blade breaks, press the Action Button to replace it.
- Saluting
When standing on ground with nothing else on it, you can press the Action Button to salute.
When standing on ground with nothing else on it, you can press the Action Button to salute.
Screenshot :
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Demikian sob ulasan dari saya tentang Game BattleField (Attack On Titan) 2.1.3 apk, semoga game ini dapat menghibur sobat semua.
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Game BattleField (Attack On Titan) 2.1.3 apk
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