Top Gun Hard Lock XBOX360-COMPLEX

Top Gun Hard Lock XBOX360-COMPLEX

Free download  Top Gun Hard Lock XBOX360-COMPLEX : Jumpa lagi sobat gamers ... kali ini mengeluarkan game baru yaitu  Top Gun Hard Lock XBOX360-COMPLEX.. game ini adalah game peperangan pesawat jet yang dilengkapi oleh rudal-rudal dan persenjataan lainnya yang akan menjadikan game ini lebih seru.. dengan kecepatan jet yang terasa anda telah masuk kedalam pesawat jet tersebut.. dan mengendalikan jet tempur tersebut untuk melawan musuh-musuh yang ingin menghancurkan pesawat sobat sekalian ..langsung aja download gamenya.. jangan mau kalah ya sob.. buktikan klau anda bisa melawan musuh-musuh yang menghadang !!!

Top Gun Hard Lock features aerial dog-fighting at jet speed, with the flair of a modern day action movie blockbuster! Tail-gaiting MiGs at Mach 2, this mass-market action game thrusts you right into the DANGER ZONE.

The Hard Lock mode - allows players to engage the enemy during dogfights, enabling them to lock on to targets and unleash their powerful arsenal of weapons.

Challenging Missions -The single-player story campaign offers 15 challenging missions set across diverse backdrops. Set in the Top Gun universe but brought up to date with a modern day setting, the story makes as many twists and turns as the jets themselves, as a new wave of elite Naval aviators - fresh out of the Top Gun Academy - protect the skies.
Multiplayer - Fans of multiplayer are well catered for too, with three distinct modes for up to 16 players.
Fancy Flying - Numerous customization options - including a variety of decals and paint schemes - Top Gun Hard Lock offers one of the most accessible and exciting aerial arcade action games this generation. Enhancing the experience further are officially licensed aircraft including iconic jets such as the F14D Super Tomcat, F22 Raptor and F/A-18F Super Hornet.

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Penting..!!! Sebelum Melakukan Proses Download, Sebaiknya Anti Virus apapun di Komputer sobat harap di nonaktifkan Terlebih dahulu ya. Agar Patch Full Versionnya Dapat di Unduh juga. Makasih ^_^

Top Gun Hard Lock XBOX360-COMPLEX


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