DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P]
Free download DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P] : Hay sahabat ifub.net ..pada malam ini saya akan memberikan suatu game balapan lagi..jika sebelunya telah mengeluarkan game rally.. kali ini juga akan mengeluarkan game rally juga sobat akan tetapi kali ini lebih baru dengan [Cracked-P2P] .. pada game ini tidak kalah seru pastinya dengan sebelumnya.. desain mobil-mobil yang sporty dan elegan menjadikan anda bingung untuk memilih yang mana mobil yang akan anda pacu.. dan sirkuit yang berlumpur dan berkelok-kelok akan semankim menantang saja.. jika ingin tau.. lngsung saja download link nya di bawah ..dan tancap gasss sobat :)
DiRT Rally captures the essence of what makes rally unique – that sense of trying to remain in control of your emotions, as you hurtle along dangerous, undulating roads at breakneck speed, aiming to squeeze everything out of your car whilst knowing that one crash could irreparably harm your stage time. It’s the ultimate test of a driver’s skill, and it’s the ultimate in high risk, high reward gameplay.
Every stage will test you differently, as you feel out grip across varying surfaces and adapt your style to a range of different weather types. As the car suffers attrition you’ll need to account for mechanical damage whilst your dedicated rally team tries to keep you competitive with time-limited repairs between stages. As stages string together, each rally becomes a marathon-like test of concentration and skill, as you trust in your co-driver and your own ability to react and adapt, in order to stay competitive and chase that ever-elusive perfect run.
Most CPUs supported by the game are included, but NOT all, please see the Technical tab comments for the list of CPU cracks available with this release.
Download links :
DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P] - Part 10
DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P] - Part 11
DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P] - Part 12
DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P] - Part 13
DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P] - Part 14
DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P] - Part 15
DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P] - Part 16
DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P] - Part 17
DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P] - Part 18
DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P] - Part 19
DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P] - Part 20
DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P] - Part 21
DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P] - Part 22
DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P] - Part 23
DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P] - Part 24
DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P] - Part 25
DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P] - Part 26
DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P] - Part 27
DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P] - Part 28
DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P] - Part 29
DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P] - Part 30
Penting..!!! Sebelum Melakukan Proses Download, Sebaiknya Anti Virus apapun di Komputer sobat harap di nonaktifkan Terlebih dahulu ya. Agar Patch Full Versionnya Dapat di Unduh juga. Makasih ^_^

DiRT Rally (Early Access) [Cracked-P2P]
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