Download permainan Fire-FLT Gratis
Free download Fire-FLT : Sobat gamers .. jumpa lagi dengan ifub.net.. pada kesempatan kali ini saya admin akan membagikan game petualangan yaitu Fire-FLT.. game ini adalah menceritakan tentang anak yang di usir dari desanya karena telah menghilangkan api desa pada zaman prasejarah silam..perjalanan anak ini sangatlah panjang.. melewati gunung, lembah, sungai ,dan masih banyak rintangan lainnya yang menghadang.. ayo sobat bantu si anak menemukan api lagi supaya bisa di terima pada desanya anak itu lagi oleh warga kampungnya..
FIRE is a puzzleventure with intuitive puzzle design. Without losing many words it tells a savagely hilarious story. Journey into the Stone Age and face the most challenging task of this era: The search for fire!
This story's hero is the lovably chaotic Neanderthal Ungh who dozes off during his very first night watch. The next morning, the catastrophe ensues: the fire's gone out and Ungh is banished from his village. Now you have to help Ungh finding a new flame, searching every corner of the Stone Age world. No matter if he has to search the insides of a dinosaur, smoldering volcanoes or even through time itself, there is no place Ungh wouldn't look for new fire.
One click or swipe and your environment comes to life. A small dash of logic and you'll be able to solve any puzzle and there will be no limit to your exploratory spirit while interacting with the game's world: fire coconuts from a mammoth's trunk, turn into an animal or save the fair maiden from the Octo-Boss' grasp.
Installation Information:
* Burn or mount
* Install
* Play the game
Download links :
Fire-FLT - Part 1
Fire-FLT - Part 2
Fire-FLT - Part 3
Fire-FLT - Part 4
Fire-FLT - Part 5
Penting..!!! Sebelum Melakukan Proses Download, Sebaiknya Anti Virus apapun di Komputer sobat harap di nonaktifkan Terlebih dahulu ya. Agar Patch Full Versionnya Dapat di Unduh juga. Makasih ^_^

Download permainan Fire-FLT Gratis
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