Need for Speed Most Wanted RePack By R.G Revenants
Free download Need for Speed Most Wanted RePack By R.G Revenants : Hallo sobat gamers... kali ini admin mengeluarkan game PC balap mobil yaitu Need for Speed Most Wanted RePack By R.G Revenants permainan ini dirancang sedemikian rupa agar menjadi seperti aslinya.. dengan mobil-mobil yang keren-keren dan ter update akan menjadikan permainan ini mewah.. dilengkapi dengan modifikasi mobil pada garage dan sirkuit di dalam kota menjadikan game ini lebih seru.. dan juga aksi kejar kejaran dengan polisi yang akan menangkap mobil-mobil tersebut menjadikan tambah seru lagi... langsung saja mainkan game nya soba.. dijamin bakalan seru loh.. !!!!
Multiplayer redesigned so that, for the race, do not need to go to the idle screen and wait for the arrival, looking at the table of participants. It's fairly easy to come to the place of the race, and after crossing the finish line you can turn around and try to ram the laggards.
Year: 2012
Genre: Arcade / Racing (Cars) / 3D
Developer: Criterion Games
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Publisher in Russia: Electronic Arts
Platform: PC
Language: English, Russian,
Sound language: English, Russian,
Publication Type: License
Medicine: Present (POSTMORTEM \ SKIDROW)
System requirements:
? Operating system: Windows Vista, Windows 7
? Processor: Core 2 Duo 2,3 GHz or Athlon X2 2,5 GHz
? RAM: 2 GB
? Video: AMD compatible with DirectX 10.0, 512 MB RAM, NVIDIA compatible with DirectX 10.1, 512 MB RAM
? Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0c
? Hard drive: 12 GB
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Need for Speed Most Wanted RePack By R.G Revenants
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