The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 2 [v1.3.0d] (PC/MULTI9/2014/RePack by R.G. Steamgames)
Free download The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 2 [v1.3.0d] (PC/MULTI9/2014/RePack by R.G. Steamgames) : Hay sobat ifub.net .pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membagikan suatu game terbaru yaitu The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 2 [v1.3.0d] (PC/MULTI9/2014/RePack by R.G. Steamgames) game ini adalah game petualangan yang dimana melawan banyak musuh dan jahat-jahat sobat.. akan tetapi dengan senjata yang hebat akan membantu untuk lebih mudah me;lawan musuh.. langsung saja download gamenya ya sobat dengan mengdownload link nya di bawah..
Game Van Helsing 2: Death Defying (The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II) - this is not just a collection of a dozen new maps and monsters, but now a sequel, keep getting better from the first game. Except for small improvements and dodelok, it also acquired a number of new features.
And yet ... It's not exactly a feature, but if you like living dialogues, cheeky humor and "easter eggs" of the first game, you'll be happy to hear that this has to continue more.
Extras. Information:
Three classes - in the continuation of dark gothic adventure players are three different classes: Hunter - Hunter with shooting skills and unarmed combat, wielding magic magician Thaumaturge and Arcane Mechanic - Master murderous devices. As usual: good, bad and ugly.
Extended mini-game tower defense - enemies attack in waves, and players have the opportunity to defend Hunter's Lair - hunter's lair and other strategic locations using the installed traps and some function improves blocking enemies. Gameplay mechanics improved and there were seven levels of optional side quests.
Manage resistance - as the leaders of the Resistance Borgovii players will be engaged mikromendzhmentom allied troops, better equipment Resistance fighters and searching for loot that will make them even stronger.
Lair Hunter (Hunter's Lair) - den returns to game as a perfect haven for players where they can hide collected loot to trade with NPC, move between locations, constructed new items, use the alchemical laboratory and accept new jobs from allies who come into resistance against scientific disaster.
Extended and improved skill system - allows players to charge up to three modifiers skills - power-ups (Power Ups) - eight active skills with eyeglasses anger (Rage points).
Multiplayer - PvP-mode supporting up to eight players and co-operative campaign for four.
Feature repack
Game Version: 1.1.04s (hotfix 3)
Content loaded 30 November 2014 and is identical to the licensed version of the game distributed on Steam.
Game content is packed in a simple installer with compression by default.
Before installing the game disable your Antivirus and Firewall, lest they be removed (locked files tablets)
Warning! Before installing a client Steam, the game should already be registered on the account, and the client Steam - closed!
Run the file setup.exe
Select the installation version ( hacked or steam )
Install it game
Language games are changing the in game options (requires restarting the game after selecting the language to change)
System requirements:
Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Processor: Dual Core CPU 2.0 GHz
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia 8800 GT, Intel HD4000 or AMD HD3850
DirectX: 9.0c
Hard Drive: 20 GB HD space
Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Tablet: Is present (ALI213 / 3DM)
Download links :
Penting..!!! Sebelum Melakukan Proses Download, Sebaiknya Anti Virus apapun di Komputer sobat harap di nonaktifkan Terlebih dahulu ya. Agar Patch Full Versionnya Dapat di Unduh juga. Makasih ^_^

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 2 [v1.3.0d] (PC/MULTI9/2014/RePack by R.G. Steamgames)
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