Critical Missions: SWAT v2.633 Android
Free Download Critical Missions: SWAT v2.633 Android : hallo para penggemar www.ifub.net kali ini saya akan bagi bagi game android seru nih, khususnya untuk para pencinta game, buruan coba deh game yang satu ini, karena game SWAT ini memberikan nostalgia cepat mondar-mandir FPS game pengalaman pada perangkat Android Anda. Nikmati kontrol sentuh halus dan disesuaikan dan memainkan cross-platform penembak orang pertama melawan pemain lain di web dan pada platform mobile lainnya., jadi tunggu apalagi, langsung saja Download link-nya dibawah ini.
Critical Missions: SWAT delivers the nostalgic fast paced FPS gaming experience on your Android devices. Enjoy the smooth and customizable touch controls and play the cross-platform first-person shooter against other players on the web and on other mobile platforms.
Cross-platform 3D First-Person Shooter MMO: beat PC/Mac players and players from other mobile platforms
Multiplayer Mode: Local network and Servers Globally (USA, Europe and Asia)
Single Player Mode: Player vs. Customizable Bots (Terrorists, Zombies)
Smooth and Responsive Customizable Touch Controls (--> Game menu - Settings - User Interface - Edit HUD)
Six Game Types: Classic, Team Death Match (DTM), Zombie Mode, Zombie Match, Survival, Death Match, Juggernaut and Capture The Flag (CTF)
Customizable settings: player HP, player speed, zombie difficulty, ect.
Dozens of pre-installed and downloadable unique maps
Link Download
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Critical Missions: SWAT v2.633 Android
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