The Fruit of Grisaia-CODEX

The Fruit of Grisaia-CODEX

 The Fruit of Grisaia-CODEX

Free download  The Fruit of Grisaia-CODEX : Selamat siang sobat semua. kususnya para penggemar games. kali ini saya admin akan berbagi game lagi buat para sobat semua.. kali ini game nya adalah  The Fruit of Grisaia-CODEX. ini adalah suatu game petualangan sobat.. yang dimana pemeranya adalah cewek.. dengan berlima cewek tersebut melakukan petualangan yang hebat yang pada akhirnya akan bertemu seorang pemuda yang akan memberikan warna baru bagi para petualang tersebut. langsung saja mainkan gamenya dengan mengdownload links nya dibawah.. selamat bermain !!! :)

SIX FRUITS BARE THEIR FANGS AT THE WORLD. --The academy was their orchard. In this place of learning, protected by high walls from the outside world, there arrived a single young man who'd lost his purpose in life. He'd lost sight of what he wanted to protect. He passed his days in a haze of guilt and regret. All that remained to him were the chains around his neck... And a life worth less than that of a stray dog. But in that academy, he would meet five young women. And in time, he would discover a new thread of hope.

--That girl's very birth was a mistake.
The sin of disobedience--
--A life not so different from death.
No one’s going to protect you--
--And survival itself can be a punishment.
That place was their orchard. Those young women were the fruits of remorse, grown on the tree of sorrow. 
"What can I do for them...?"
In that thought lay the undying hope one young man had dreamed of finding--

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Penting..!!! Sebelum Melakukan Proses Download, Sebaiknya Anti Virus apapun di Komputer sobat harap di nonaktifkan Terlebih dahulu ya. Agar Patch Full Versionnya Dapat di Unduh juga. Makasih ^_^

The Fruit of Grisaia-CODEX


1 Response to " The Fruit of Grisaia-CODEX"

  1. Salam sukses gan, Websitenya sangat luar biasa, saya sangat kagum dengan desainya dan Page Rank nya, Salam
