Free Download Middle Earth Shadow Of Mordor GOTY Edition-PROPHET
Free Download Middle Earth Shadow Of Mordor GOTY Edition-PROPHET : Middle Earth Shadow Of Mordor GOTY Edition adalah dunia yang terbuka aksi-petualangan video game ditetapkan dalam Tolkien legendarium, yang dikembangkan oleh Monolith Productions dan diterbitkan oleh Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment. Secara resmi diumumkan pada bulan November tahun 2013, itu dirilis untuk Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, dan Xbox One pada bulan September 2014 dan dirilis untuk PlayStation 3 dan Xbox 360 pada bulan November 2014. Sebuah Game edisi Tahun dirilis pada 5 Mei 2015.
Publisher: WB Games | Developer: Monolith Productions | Retail Date: Sep 30, 2014
Platform: PC | Protection: Steam | Genre: Action, Adventure
Language: EN/FR/DE/ES/IT/PL/RU/PT-BR | Size: 53.3 GiB
Fight through Mordor and uncover the truth of the spirit that compels you, discover the origins of the Rings of Power, build your legend and ultimately confront the evil of Sauron in this new chronicle of Middle-earth.
The official Game of The Year Edition includes:
* Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (main game)
* GOTY Edition Upgrade
* The Bright Lord DLC
* Test of Power DLC
* Blood Hunters Warband DLC
* The Dark Ranger Character Skin DLC
* Captain of the Watch Character Skin DLC
* Orc Slayer Rune DLC
* Lord of the Hunt DLC
* Flame of Anor Rune DLC
* Flesh Burners Warband DLC
* Berserks Warband DLC
* Deadly Archer Rune DLC
* Skull Crushers Warband DLC
* Hidden Blade Rune DLC
* Rising Storm Rune DLC
* Endless Challenge DLC
* Test of Wisdom DLC
* Power of Shadow DLC
* Test of Speed DLC
* HD Content
Installation Steps:
1- Unpack, burn or mount
2- Install the game
3- Copy the cracked content from PROPHET dir to
\x64 folder
4- Go To Hell!
The game is updated to Build v1951.27.
Link Download
Download Crack
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Free Download Middle Earth Shadow Of Mordor GOTY Edition-PROPHET
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