Cradle - CODEX

Free download Cradle - CODEX : Hallo sobat semuanya, pada malam yang indah ini saya akan membagikan sebuah game terbaru keluaran 2015 yang seru pastinya, game ini berjudul Cradle - CODEX sob, ini adalah permainan kooperatif sobat yang dimana sobat memiliki kawan untuk dibantu menemukan barang yang hilang untuk memperbaiki tubuh mekanik rekannya dan memecahkan misteri taman hiburan diabaikan terletak tidak jauh dari yurt bersama-sama. nah jika sobat berminat untuk memainkannya download saja gamenya gratis.
English | Size: 1.68 GB
Category: Game PC
Cradle is a sci-fi first-person-view quest designed for the player to explore the surrounding world. The story is built around the relations of the protagonist and a mechanical girl who by quirk of fate found themselves amidst the desert. The player’s task is to repair the mechanical body of his companion and solve the mystery of the neglected entertainment park located not far from the yurt together.
Key Features:
-Open World. Explore the mysterious and stylish world of the robotized Mongolia. Search the yurt, take a stroll down the river or head towards the entertainment park - this game has no fences you cannot overcome.
-Interactive Environment. Interact with objects - all of them bear a part of the story and most can be used in the gameplay.
-Living Characters. Communicate with NPCs. Owing to non-standard emotion display technology where actor eyes video is used, the NPCs in Cradle look as ‘live’ ones.
-Deep Story. Immerse into learning the thoroughly thought-out story. Every of its detail adds to the storyline, while a short newspaper slip accidentally found in the steppe could completely change the sense of the storyline.
-Varied Gameplay. Mix thoughtful exploration quests with bright and dynamic mini-games.
-Excquisite Soundtrack. Engulf the atmoshpere of mystery with the enchanting soundtrack of the game. Cradle contains 90 minutes of music including the meditative ambient, synthetic tracks and vocal compositions.
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Cradle - CODEX
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