Crazy Frog Racer 2 (PC-ENG-2006)
Free Download Crazy Frog Racer 2 (PC-ENG-2006) : hai sobat ifub.net kali ini saya akan membagikan game yang terdengar asin bagi kalian tapi game ini serunya bukan main lohh. game ini berjudul Crazy Frog Racer 2 (PC-ENG-2006) game nya bukan hanya seruloh game ini juga asyik dan menyenangkan, penasaran kan, buruan download link nya di bawah ini ^-^
English | PC | 2006 | Publisher: Turtle Games | Developer: Neko Entertainment | 684.81 MBGenre: racing

The Crazy Frog is cranking up the speed for his latest and greatest racing adventure After winning the cup and escaping the Drone the Crazy Frog is now ready to shift into the next gear for the craziest race ever With more speed, zanier power-ups new friends and even more insane tracksthere is no stopping the Crazy Frog this time Race through the popular music videos of the Crazy Frog world and use even more zany power ups to ba-ding ding the competition Race through the cityscape of Axel.F or head to the beaches of "Popcorn" Crazy Frog Racer 2 is jam-packed full of new features that any Crazy Frog fan will find irresistible
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Crazy Frog Racer 2 (PC-ENG-2006)
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