DomiNations v3.5.350 Mod+Apk (Mod Money)
Free dwonload DomiNations v3.5.350 MOd+Apk (Mod Money) | Selamat sore sobat gamers pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membagikan game android DomiNations v3.5.350 MOd+Apk (Mod Money)kisah para pejuang lama yang diangkat kedalam pertempuran antar Negara kali ini anda harus membuat aliansi dengan membangun kota yang bisa menampung para tentara serta mengadakan pertempuran untuk mendapatkan point memilih beberapa jendral dengan nama besar seperti Napoleon,Alexander Cleopatra,Pilih negara yang akan kamu tempati dan dapatkan point tertentu untuk menggupgrade tentara kalian dalam versi terbarunya kali ini telah menyertakan modhack apk yang sudah mod money menjelajahi dunia serta bertempur melawan negara lain yang membuat negara anda menjadi tersohor.untuk info lebih detailnya silahkan anda lihat fitur di bawah ini.
FEATURES Game Dominnation:
- Choose your Nation to reap the rewards, special powers, and unique units of the British, Romans, Chinese, Germans, French, Japanese, or Greeks.
- Advance through all of human history and become the first player to unlock the secrets of technologies like Cavalry, Gunpowder, and Flight!
- Recruit the most storied Generals from antiquity, including Alexander, Cleopatra, and Napoleon!
- Increase your renown by constructing Wonders of the World, from the Pyramids to the Statue of Liberty!
- Join an Alliance and co-operate to defeat enemies from around the globe!
- Conquer the World in single-player campaigns from the Fertile Crescent to the Peloponnesian War!
Screen shoot
What’s New in Game:
Balance of Power!
In Game Events!
In Game Events!
- Unlock powerful limited-time rewards during new week long events!
More Industrial Upgrades!
- New Medieval Age General: Joan of Arc!
Additional Unit Upgrades:
- Biplanes can now be upgraded to Triplane mk 1-3!
- Zeppelins can now be upgraded to Airships mk1 & mk2!
More Building Upgrades:
- Alliance Gate level 7!
- New Chapter 4 for each Library Tech!
Tactics Blessing!
- New Blessing that speeds up Tactics production by 50%
- Unlock the Zeal Tech Chapter 4!
Information Game:
- Game Name : DomiNations
- Game Category : Strategy Games
- Last Updated On : February 17, 2016
- Game Size : 35 MB
- Version of The Game: 3.5.350
- Developer Firm : NEXON M Inc.
- File Format : Apk
- Requires Android: 3.0 and up
- Total Installs: 5,000,000 +
- Google Play Rating : 4.3 / 5
Cara Download File :
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Link donwload DomiNations v3.5.350
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DomiNations v3.5.350 Mod+Apk (Mod Money)
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