Preston STERLING V1.16
SinopsisPreston Sterling was an adventurer, tourists and treasure-hunters all rolled into one. He normally never afraid of a challenge, but a new job quickly test the limits of her abilities to her. The latest task is to find the artifacts of Preston's most mystical language in United Kingdom: Excalibur, the legendary sword of King Arthur. He did not know, however, that the fabled treasure hunt will involve far more danger than she ever imagined.
Screen shoot
Information About
Name : Preston Sterling
Update : 13 APR 2016
Format : Apk
Version: 1.16
Size: 602.02MB
Android: 2.3 and Up
What’s New
- Improved Android 6 compatibility
- added an option to enable / disable the screen dimming function of the device
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Penting..!!! Sebelum Melakukan Proses Download, Sebaiknya Anti Virus apapun di Komputer sobat harap di nonaktifkan Terlebih dahulu ya. Agar Patch Full Versionnya Dapat di Unduh juga. Makasih ^_^

Preston STERLING V1.16
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