Download Game PLAYMOBIL Pirates 1.3.0 APK For Android
Free Download Game PLAYMOBIL Pirates 1.3.0 APK For Android : Hallo selamat malam sobat setia ifub.net dalam kesempatan yang satu ini saya selaku admin akan memberiakn sebuah postingan game menarik yang bertemakan bajak laut nih, game ini berjudulkan Game PLAYMOBIL Pirates 1.3.0 APK For Android, dalam game ini sobat nantinya akan dapat berpetualang dilaut serta pulau-pulau terpencil, disini sobat juga dapat membengun camp-camp untuk singgah di salah satu pulau, dan menyelesaikan misi-misi yang tersedia nantinya, tidak hanya itu disini juga terdapat pertempuran-pertempuran antara bajak laut, nah jika sobat penasaran dengan selangkapnya dari game yang satu ini, langsung saja download linknya dibawah ini ya.
PLAYMOBIL Pirates is free to download and play. As you play, you will collect virtual currencies called “Doubloons” and “Gems,” which are rarer, that you can use to buy pirates for your crew, ships or other in-game items. There will also be waiting times associated with some actions, which you can skip using virtual currency. If you don’t have enough virtual currency to buy an item, skip time, or perform an action, you can choose to earn additional currency gradually over time as you play the game, or purchase additional virtual currency with real money. In-app purchases range from $1.99 to $49.99. You can restrict in-app purchases by adjusting your User Controls in your Play Store settings.
√ Play with fun PLAYMOBIL toys in an adventure filled game!
√ Sail a Pirate Ship and discover hidden islands in the caribbean...
√ Enjoy cute and fun 3D animations!
√ Build your pirate camp and get ready for an adventure game!
√ Recruit a captain an manage your own swashbuckling crew of PLAYMOBIL toys
√ Get your captain ready to defeat the legendary pirate Blackbeard…
Link Download :
Download Game PLAYMOBIL Pirates 1.3.0 APK For Android
Download Game PLAYMOBIL Pirates 1.3.0 APK For Android[GooglePlay]
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Download Game PLAYMOBIL Pirates 1.3.0 APK For Android
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