Ys Chronicles 1 v1.0.2 Apk
Free Download Ys Chronicles 1 v1.0.2 Apk Terbaru 2015 : Selamat malam sob, kali ini admin www.ifub.net akan berbagi lagi tentang game android yang tidak kalah kerennya. game ini sob bernama Ys Chronicles 1 v1.0.2 Apk, ys Chronicles adalah seorang pendekar muda. game ini sob mencritakan misterius di pantai Esteria, sebuah kerajaan kota yang di kepung oleh gerombolan makhluk yang kerasukan. Orang Esteria ini sob tergantung pada sobat nantinya, untuk mengalahkan setan dan membebaskan sebuah kerajaan. sobat harus menemukan 6 kitab suci yang berisi sejarah tanah kuno ys. dari pada sobat penasran segera saja mainkan.
Free Download Ys Chronicles 1 v1.0.2 Apk Terbaru 2015
Descriptions :
In Ys, you play as Adol Christin, an adventurous young swordsman. Early in the story, you find yourself on a mysterious beach in Esteria, a kingdom whose cities are besieged by hordes of demoniac creatures. Esteria’s people are depending on you to defeat the demons and free the kingdom. To accomplish your goal, you must find six sacred books containing the history of the ancient land of Ys; books which will also provide you with the knowledge to restore peace. Throughout the game, you’ll gain experience and strength by discovering enchanted weapons and artifacts. Become a mighty knight and destroy your enemies!
- Virtual pad
- Controller support
- Achievements
- Languages as English, Japanese, French, Korean, Russian etc
- Helpful hints to assist your progress
- Android TV compatible
- HD Menus
- 2+ graphic mode
- 2+ game modes. Adventure, Time attack
As featured in SHIELD Hub. Play it on your TV or on NVIDIA SHIELD!
What’s New in v1.0.2 Apk
- Fixed some crashes
- Text improvements
- Fixed crash when watching videos with subtitles
Link Download :
Demikian sob ulasan dari saya tentang Game Ys Chronicles Apk, semoga game yang saya bagikan ini dapat menghibur sobat semua.
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Ys Chronicles 1 v1.0.2 Apk
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